Say to Sydney's
new international airport.


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We’re committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance, which we consider  essential to our integrity, sustainability and performance. Our corporate governance framework has been developed with consideration to government, regulatory and legislative requirements, as well as best market practice. Some of our key governance documents and policies are set out below. 



Our corporate publications 

Our vision is for Western Sydney International to be the gateway of choice to Australia and the  
world – connecting people, places and opportunity. We aim to generate social and economic prosperity by working together to safely deliver a thriving airport precinct in Western Sydney. 

Our Corporate Plan delivers our direction for the reporting year. It sets out our key objectives and priorities for the reporting period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019. The Plan outlines the planning activity underway and the progress already made since the establishment of Western Sydney Airport in August 2017. 

Corporate plans:

Annual reports: